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The Lombok Beach Offers a Quieter Holiday Than Bali

If you wish to explore a less populated and less traveled island, you could try Lombok. This place is reached by traveling for twenty minutes from Bali. However, this island is quite different from the overdeveloped Bali island which most people visit. There are beautiful beach front hotels that one can choose from. The favorite destinations in Lombok are many paket wisata lombok. You could opt for many hotels by the Lombok beach. When you visit Lombok near the end of the rainy season, you will find the air still laden with moisture. The air is heavy and it is hot and humid. The breeze is thick and sticky here. One can see horses and carts rattle past or mopeds being driven by chicken farmers. This island has a volcanic origin and the tourism here is slowly increasing in popularity.

If you wish to reach Lombok, you can get here within twenty minutes by air. There are millions of foreign visitors who come to this tiny island every year. During peak tourist paket wisata bali season the visitors are so many in Bali that the narrow streets are blocked, hotel complexes are overflowing and there is pollution to complain of as well. However, if you were to visit a Lombok beach at such a time, you will find it nearly untouched at such a time. The infusion of foreign wealth is being evident in this region these days. It is being primed for tourism which is evident by the number of budget hotels, luxury resorts and villas being built and prepped with luxurious amenities in this region.

The island has many unexplored beaches and there are hotel properties that are coming up in many coasts of the region paket wisata. The Sekaong Bay is one preferred place for hotels and travelers here. Mataram is the capital of the island which is the only town here. The rest of the region is dotted with villages and picturesque countryside with surrounding volcanic mountains. Senggigi is known to house paket tour bangkok luxurious holiday resorts here for which it is one of the popular destination for the leisure seekers. A favorite drive from this place is to Mount Rinjani. This is an active volcano where tourists come over to photograph the scenic sunrise. Paddy field with workers in conical hats and women working in the fields with babies is a common sight here. There are drying fishes by the beach while the towns have karaoke bars to provide entertainment to the tourists. The unique local culture, the food, the pristine beaches and natural surroundings make the place authentic. If you wish to get away from the bustle of Bali, you can find respite and calm in Lombok.paket tour singapore


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